Thursday 18 October 2012

I just came across a video of Joe hill and max Lowry and discovered they paint there floor pieces so that is how they are so realistic i am going to try paint my idea and see does it have a better effect .. here's the video of max and Joe doing what they do..

this is an on site sketch i did of my room. my reason for doing this is because I'm experimenting with my different work spaces be it at home or in college so I'm looking to do something like the pavement art Max Lowry and Joe Hill do and i have decided to have a space looking into my space and this is a plan of what i came up with.. 
little sketch of my idea...

this is a experimental drawing i did in chalk pastel i photographed it with my feet in it to give the effect that your looking down into this space..
i then thought of having a continuous space so my idea was to have a drawing of my space hanging above my work space this should clear up what I'm trying to say..
i then photographed my space and manipulated it to get this image

i wanted it to look like a drawing so i changed it to black and white and had the studio space in colour i thought it came out well..

Thursday 11 October 2012

Max Lowry and Joe Hill

Iv been looking at pavement art and the artists Joe Hill and Max Lowry these 2 men..

 I'm very interested in there work and how the public can interact with it out on the street.. the execution of these drawings is key if the perspective is wrong or the drawing is viewed from the wrong angle the drawing wont have the same effect.. as u can see here.

and then these are the effects u get from viewing the correct angle..


I am looking to create a peice similar to these having the floor in my studio space "falling through" into my work space and home because these are the two spaces i work at and feel comfortable working at. heres one with interior also some what like what im aiming to do..

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Iv been looking at creating an animation or comic strip for my project Sense My Space im basing it on a dream which is in my room my bed (my space). I was looking at the typical annimators like seth mc farlane producer, annimator, voice actor and screenwriter of Family Guy, American Dad, The Celveland Show and a recent movie of his Ted. I love his work because it is very basic drawing its helariously funny.  

like this image very simple drawing but very funny.. what im doin at the moment is drawing images like this in comic strip format and then some how one way or other bring them to life..